The Relationship between Non-Financial Innovative Management Accounting Tools and Risk and Return of Iranian Stock Market Listed Companies
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1 Phd Student, Faculty of Management and Economy, Yerevan State University, Yerevan, ARMENIA
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Dutch Journal of Finance and Management, 2017 - Volume 1 Issue 2, Article No: 40
Published Online: 14 Mar 2017
Views: 4754 | Downloads: 3569
Financial management is strongly deal with maximization of shareholder’s wealth by financing, investment and dividend investment decisions of the company. It is well accepted that selecting performance measures in financial management is a challenge and performance measurement play a key role in running an organization. For a long time, managers had firstly used accounting-based data and indicators for doing their obligations. However, with the apparition of new competitive actualities many have claimed that performance measurement based on accounting systems are no more sufficient. Main goal of study is to examine and emphasize the efficacy of non-financial measures in reducing the risk of companies and improving their return amongst middle sized manufacturing firms in Iran. The other objective of this study is to identify and justify any significant relationship between using non-financial management accounting techniques (including TQM, TC, CB, ABC, BSC, and JIT) and risk and return of companies in the stock markets. We also seek to explain to how extent Iranian managers are familiar with Non-Financial Management accounting Tools, and the role these techniques play in their decision-makings.
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